Yoga Boss Podcast Episode 178
Q&A: Typical Schedule, Confident & Retention, Business When Life Hands You Unexpected Events
Welcome to Yoga Boss Podcast - Episode 178, "Q&A: Typical Schedule, Confident & Retention, Business When Life Hands You Unexpected Events."
In Episode 178, join host Jackie Murphy as she dives deep into the burning questions from yoga professionals like you.
Discover Jackie's secrets to success as she reveals her typical schedule as a dedicated mom and CEO, offering invaluable tips on finding balance and maximizing productivity in your own life.
Boosting confidence as a yoga teacher is essential, especially when faced with challenges in student retention.
Get ready to overcome self-doubt as Jackie addresses this common concern head-on, sharing actionable advice to help you create an inclusive environment that keeps your students coming back for more.
Life is unpredictable, and unexpected events can often throw us off track.
However, as yoga entrepreneurs, we have the power to adapt and thrive amidst adversity. J
ackie opens up about her personal experiences, growth, and the valuable lessons she's learned when life takes unexpected turns.
Gain inspiration and practical guidance on navigating challenges and emerging stronger in your yoga business journey.
Tune in to Episode 178 of Yoga Boss and unlock the secrets to building a profitable and fulfilling yoga business. Take control of your destiny and become the Yoga Boss you've always aspired to be.
Listen to the podcast episode now and transform your yoga business!
Jackie Murphy's typical schedule as a mom and CEO provides insights into time management and productivity.
Strategies to boost confidence as a yoga teacher when facing challenges with student retention.
How to navigate unexpected events and emerge stronger in your yoga business journey.
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