Yoga Boss Podcast Episode 190
Meant For More
Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 190, "Meant For More."
If you have had the internal nudge that you are meant for more, this feeling is unique. And, I encourage you to notice and honor it.
These gentle nudges are like a GPS of our lives, and it is our responsibility to honor them.
Embrace the fear you may feel, it isn't there to halt your dreams, it is there to ensure you take the necessary steps to reach your dreams.
In this episode I give you tips that will help you move forward when you know you are meant for more..
-Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here
-New Membership coming soon: Waitlist
-Strategies for overcoming feat associated with pursuing your dreams in the yoga industry.
-The importance of embracing your unique calling and believing in your potential for more significant impact.
-Practical steps to use fear as a guide rather than a roadblock in achieving your goals.
The Profitable Yoga Boss Free Course: Click here
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