Yoga Boss Podcast Episode 197
Business Transformation with Brandy and Sian
Welcome to Yoga Boss Episode 197, "Business Transformation with Brandy and Sian."
Brandy and Sian share their journey with yoga. Brandy discusses integrating pranayama and its impact on mindset and body connection. She discovered yoga's meditative side due to injuries. Sian shares how she was a professional stunt performer, which provided challenges of constant injuries and feeling rootless due to all the travel involved with her job. She found solace and consistency in yoga.
It is important to talk about the results people will get from practicing yoga in your marketing boldly.
Listening to the podcast helped both to pivot and expand their business when circumstances in their life changed.
Overcoming guilt and having confidence and trust in yourself help you expand and grow as a yoga business owner.
Creating content will help your future clients build the "trust" factor, building a relationship to work with you.
Practicing personal detachment from outcomes is essential for business growth.
After retiring from her job as a performance artist at 35, Sian began a journey of healing and recovering from multiple injuries. This journey eventually led to the discovery of her overriding passion and mission as a coach: Helping everyday athletes enjoy their bodies more, move better, and mitigate injury risk through mobility and strength training. Sian is a certified NASM personal trainer. Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist® Licensed Kinstretch@ provider, Functional Range Strength Coach, and 200hr YA registered yoga teacher. Visit Sian's website
Brandy Segura, owner of Solshine Yoga in Clemson, SC, and lead instructor for The Empowered Yoga Teacher 200-Hour Training, is dedicated to inspiring others to lead their best lives. Through the years, Brandy has gone through tremendous growth, as a practitioner, a teacher, and most of all, a business owner. As her own journey has evolved, she has gained invaluable insights into what it takes to run a business and stay heart-centered and true to her core values. She has built her company from grassroots beginnings into a thriving multi-six-figure business, and she believes that by aligning with one's own purpose and serving others, anyone can achieve similar success. You can find Brandy on her website, or, or on Instagram @brandy_yoga
"In this episode, guests Brandy and Sian share their transformative journeys with yoga and business coaching, discussing personal growth, the pivotal role of mindset, and the impact of coaching on personal and professional levels."
- Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here
- The Business of Yoga Course Membership Now Open. Click here
- Episode 156, "My Failed Launch" here
- Why it is important to communicate your passion point to people.
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