Yoga Boss Podcast Episode 200
Number One Problem Stopping Yoga Business Owners: Confusion
Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 200, “Number One Problem Stopping Yoga Business Owners: Confusion.”
In this episode, I talk to you about the confusion we feel as new business owners and what to do about it.
You will begin to master skills that you once felt were difficult by repeating them over and over.
Business is a lot of decisions stacked on top of each other. Often, this creates confusion for new business owners.
When you are stuck in confusion, you are stuck in inaction.
Instead of resisting the feeling, allow yourself to feel and process the emotion of confusion.
Give yourself a deadline to make your decisions.
Allow yourself to entertain all the possibilities open to you by asking yourself, “If I had to know, what would I do.”
The resistance you feel when you make decisions means growth.
In this episode, we talk about the three important things you can do in December to promote business growth.
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Tips for when you feel confused in your business.
Taking action brings clarity and information for your business.
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