Yoga Boss Podcast Episode 206
Is it wrong to want to make more in your yoga business?
Welcome to episode 206, "Is it wrong to want to make more in your yoga business?"
First, an invite! Whether your January is already full of momentum, or you want to kick it into gear, you're invited to The GROW Challenge - starting Jan 29th 2024. It's designed to help you make more and keep more profit in your business. See you inside!
In this episode, I explore the feelings of guilt and resistance that can come up when you think about wanting to make more money in your yoga business.
You may have a dream of making six, or even seven figures in your yoga business.
But you may also question whether that's greedy or wrong!
Here's the truth: Your desire to grow will only serve the world.
As you grow the students you serve, you help them become the people they need to be, to go out and serve others. The ripple effect is so much more than you can ever imagine.
When you stop believing the lie that what you want "isn't meant for you," your desire, fueled with certainty, gets you into action. And that action brings your desire to fruition.
Who most of the money made in the Yoga Industry goes to (hint: it's not yoga instructors!)
Why it matters that 90% of women-owned businesses never reach $100k
How to think about what you want in a way that propels you to action, rather than puts you in an energy of lack
The mindset shift you need to build an unstoppable business
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Join The GROW Challenge - starts Jan 29th 2024!
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The Business of Yoga Course and Membership is open now. Join here.
Private Business Coaching Available: Apply here
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