Yoga Boss Podcast Episode 208
When it feels like you've tried everything...
Welcome to episode 208, “When it feels like you've tried everything...”
Have you ever hit a point in your business where it feels like you've tried everything, but you still haven't been able to accomplish your goal?
How do you know what to do next?? This episode is for you.
We're going to talk about the necessary shifts in your mindset and your actions, if you're not seeing the success you want.
You may have only scratched the surface of what you could be doing towards your goals!
It's easy to spend a lot of time doing busywork that doesn't actually move your business forward. Inside the episode, I explain exactly how to tell if you're taking "action for action's sake" and why it's not generating results.
It's also easy to avoid the risky, uncomfortable things that will truly create the success you want!
Today, I share how my expectations were off about what it would take to achieve a specific goal — and what I did next. And I share the scary decision I recently made to move my business forward (and what I'm expecting out of it)!
Here's the truth: I don't want you to try to hit your goals.
I want you to decide. Go all in. Do what it takes, for as long as it takes, to succeed.
And don't be afraid of failing along the way!
Yoda had it right: "Do or do not, there is no try.”
The 3 types of "return on investment" to look for from your actions, to see if they'll move your business forward vs. if they're busywork
What specific data to look to find out if you've really "tried everything"
Why your expectations of what you'll need to do might be off
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