Yoga Boss Podcast Episode 215
3 Types of Media
Welcome to Episode 215, 3 Types of Media
Marketing is a skill you can learn and master over time.
And one you need to!
Because most of us don't leave Teacher Training with the skill of Marketing in our back pockets.
Here's a great analogy to distinguish marketing from the different media types we'll break down in today's episode:
Marketing is your message. You build and work on crafting it over time. It's like the water you serve people.
Media are the tools you use to deliver that message. Like the many different glasses you can serve the water in.
When you know how to master your marketing, and you know the different media you can use to deliver it, you can effectively get your message out there, make more sales, and grow your business!
What Earned Media is and how to generate it
What Owned Media is and why it's so valuable
What Paid Media is and how to know when it's time for you to use it!
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