Avoid these 2 time wasting mistakes...

Welcome to episode 107, "2 Mistakes That Cost You Time."

Don't have enough time to work on your yoga business?
Maybe you feel like you are in constant hustle mode, and can't keep up.

Burnout, hustle, overworking are all common in a yoga business.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Sound too good to be true? It's not.

You can hit your revenue goals, and take 3 days off every week.
You can make six figures and take 3 months off every year.

There are 2 mistakes you are making that are costing you energy, and leaving money on the table.

Learn how to make more in less time with more ease.

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why do we think more time equals more money.

  • What actual creates money

  • 2 mistakes you are making that are wasting your time

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