Believe In Yourself As CEO
Welcome to episode 130, "Believe In Yourself As CEO."
Ever had the thought "Maybe, I'm just not good at business?"
Or "Maybe a profitable yoga business isn't meant for me, I don't know if I could."
You are not alone.
Many yoga teachers don't have a business education and mistakenly believe they aren't meant to be business owners.
And, here is the truth.
You are capable of being a Yoga Boss, a CEO.
And doing it in a way that feels ethical, and aligned for you.
This podcast is for you.
Believing in yourself as the CEO is a must for any yoga teacher or studio owner who is serious about going to six figures and beyond
However, it doesn't just happen overnight.
In this episode, I teach you how to cultivate the mindset required to believe in yourself as a CEO.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
Open Enrollment for The Profitable Yoga Boss Group August 12th -August 19th
Yoga Teacher to Yoga Boss Mindset
Why you might not believe you are 'good at business.'
The CEO mindset that will help you believe in yourself
Get on The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist:
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You are listening to yoga boss, Episode 130.
Welcome to the yoga boss podcast. Do you feel like you are meant to have a successful career in the yoga industry, like you got into this industry to truly help your students, but you're struggling to actually make money, or you know that marketing your business is essential, but don't know how to make it intentional and effective for you. Maybe you have already had some success. But you're ready to scale to multiple six figures. Building a profitable yoga business is less complicated and easier than you know. It takes business strategy and a yoga boss mindset when you're ready to work on your business instead of in it. This is the podcast for you. Now, your host, Jackie Murphy, the business coach just for yoga teachers.
Hello, my friends, welcome back to Yoga Boss. I am Jackie Murphy, how are you? I am coming to you from my new office. I talked about this a little bit in episode last week but we have moved into an office space here at yoga boss and I am in love. I absolutely adore having this beautiful space to come to every single day. That's just mine. That's quiet. And bonus, there's a little kitty cat that has started to come around right outside. So I heard this one since someone can tell me what I'm talking about. But I've heard it that, like when a cat is ready for you, it will come and find you. And there's this little orange, tiny tabby cat that I met this week at my office. And I've just decided that I'm going to adopt it as the office cat, keep it outside, I'm actually allergic to cats. I'm not a cat person. But I do love all animals. So in addition to a new office, there's a new cat. Isn't that fun? It's just been a really, really good week to shake things up. And I feel more creative. And I'm so excited about all of the value that I'm going to bring to you guys from this office, all the podcasts, I'll record all the trainings that I'll do, it's going to happen and it's going to be amazing right here. It's so awesome.
So I have to tell you, because I know this is going to be a life changing moment for someone that the Profitable Yoga Boss group opens for enrollment on August 12. And the reason I say it's going to be a life changing moment is because when you fully commit to your business, and you commit to yourself, and you invest in you being the most important asset in your business, it can radically change your life. Because of the money that you can start to make, you can quit your job or you just start to have the lifestyle that you want to have. But also because of who you become in the process of building the exact business that you've always wanted to have in the life that you've always wanted to have. When we talk about building a profitable yoga business, of course, the money is amazing. Of course, I want all of you to know that it is possible for you to make however much money you want to make. And I will die on a hill talking about that it is possible for you to make money. And the money is amazing. But what comes with the money is freedom to take vacations when you want to or work when you want to and be with your family when you want to freedom to express yourself fully. I think it's Oprah who said like if your goal is to be the highest, most full expression of yourself in life, you'll find happiness. Love Oprah, she's so right about so much. That is what building a profitable yoga business can do for you. Because along the way you are becoming the person that you've always wanted to be and realising that maybe what you once thought was impossible is not possible, which we're going to talk more about today. So enrollment opens August 12. And I have a really good feeling about this next group of yoga teachers and studio owners, meditation teachers, wellness practitioners, nutritionists who are going to come into the group programme. I'm so excited to meet those of you who I haven't met yet and get to work in your business and I'm so excited to welcome back those clients who are going to sign up for round two or round three and I feel like it's just this giant hug of recommitting to your business and recommitting to elevating the yoga industry. So what you need to know details wise logistic wise is that enrollment will open August 12 It will stay open until August 19. So that's one week you have to join the profitable yoga boss group. When enrollment opens, you'll receive the link to apply for the group, you'll submit your application doesn't take long, it's not in depth, it's not like you're applying for college, you're applying to be the boss of your own business, you're invited to invest in your brain, you'll hear back from us whether or not you're the right fit for the group or not. You'll make your payment and then you can start the profitable yoga boss group. As soon as you make your payment, you get access to the member portal.
Amazing, the group calls for this cohort won't start until September. So you'll actually have an entire month to go through the member portal. And watch all of the videos, pick a niche, choose your offer, start marketing, start selling, start learning how to rewire your brain to think like a CEO. And then by the time we start, everyone's going to be like hitting the ground running. I've never done it like this before. But I really think it's going to serve you all to have that time to kind of put your payment in, taken the content. And then we're going to really implement and apply what you learn. And of course, you can always go back and watch the videos again. So August 12 is the day. I know that some of you feel in your bones that this is the time this is the group for you. We know fall gets busy for the yoga industry, it's when things kind of start to pick back up, quote unquote. And you want to surround yourself with the support that you need to take your business to the next level to grow to build exactly what you want to have in your life because it is possible for you. Okay, what you need to do now is head over to, put in your name and your email and be added to the waitlist, the waitlist will be the first people to know the applications are open, they'll have the first opportunity to apply. So if the group fills the group fills with the waitlist first. So make sure you head over to the waitlist, put your name in, you'll see your little form you can fill out and you will know when the group is open first. I'll see you there. It's gonna be amazing.
It really is so fun to invite you to this to say hey, like do you want your dream business? Do you want to make a massive impact for your students? Do you want to have fun, and enjoy your business and not overwork or hustle and make a tonne of money? Come on over. That's what we're talking about. That's what I'm teaching you how to do. And I will just like toot my own horn. I don't brag much. Who knows that this is a brag. But I am a natural teacher. So it's actually what I got my college degree in. I was going to teach school and then found yoga and was like, I'm going to teach yoga. It's more fun. And I started to teach yoga. And now I'm just teaching marketing and selling but I actually really understand how to teach a concept to you so that you understand it on top of that bomb ass coach. So these two things together, I'm going to teach you what you need to know about marketing and selling in your business and thinking like a CEO, but I'm also going to coach you to apply what I'm teaching you. So it's a win win combination.
Alright, let's dive into today's topic of the podcast episode 130 "Belief In Yourself As the CEO". So I think it's like episode 10. It's one of the very first episodes that I do in the podcast, where he talks about belief in yourself in terms of what you need to believe in order to sell your offer your membership, your retreat, your private package. But most of that episode is about belief in yourself as the right teacher for your students, which is so important. Listen to your people, to your students. You are like Beyonce, or Rihanna or Lizzo or whoever you look up to. You are like this amazing, awesome individual who's perfect for them who could do no wrong, who they want to hear from all the time. You have to know that like you are Beyonce, anchor in that you are the perfect teacher for your students. I am not the perfect teacher for your students because I'm me I'm the perfect teacher. For my students. I'm the perfect teacher for people who want to build a business. We aren't meant to be the teacher for everyone. And you have to know Who you are meant to be the teacher of. And when I say you have to know this, what I mean is like, you just have to decide who your people are, who you want to talk to who you want to hang out with who you want to serve how you want to serve them, you just get to choose that you get to decide that you are the Beyonce for a group of people. So that episode is about belief in yourself as a teacher, you can go listen to that. But what I've realised and kind of what separates my clients who do extremely well and kind of take off and the yoga boss programme, and those clients who take a longer time to get going, which is totally fine. Taking off faster is not better. Taking off slower is not worse. Like that's not what I'm saying. But when I think about my clients who have massive success, one of the things that sets them apart is that they actually believe in themselves as a teacher. But beyond that, they actually believe in themselves as a business owner, as a CEO. Now you hear it in the intro to this podcast, it's all over my website, my entire philosophy. And my entire programme is about teaching you how to shift from yoga teacher to yoga Boss, how to learn the CEO mindset, how to learn how to think like a business owner. That is what we're up to here. Because listen, a limited mindset will limit what you can do an unlimited mindset, a growth mindset, a new mindset will open up new possibilities. So if you don't believe that you are meant to be a business owner, that you can do this. And then you try and implement strategies in your business marketing strategies, selling strategies, social media strategies, it doesn't matter. Because you're going to be limited by what you try how you try it, what you do, based on your limited mindset, you're following me. So what's so important and what has to happen before you implement any strategy in business is that you have to build a new mindset, that new mindset is going to open up new possibilities. And really, with the new mindset, that you are a yoga boss, that you are a CEO, any strategy in business can work. There's a million different ways to build a business, I teach you what's worked for me in the yoga industry. But there's so many different ways and all of my clients take what I teach, and then do it their way. It doesn't matter the strategy that you follow, what matters is that you know, and you're grounded in the self identity of a CEO, and more than just being grounded in the identity of a CEO, you have to actually believe in yourself. As the CEO, you actually have to like be like, Oh, I can do this.
So we're going to talk about that. Today, we're going to talk about four thoughts that sometimes my clients will come into the programme with, that are holding them back from believing in themselves as a CEO, and four thoughts what needs to shift to four thoughts that a CEO would have in the business? And listen, let me just preface this. And y'all know this because you listen to this podcast, this is not about affirmations, this is not about you standing in the mirror every morning saying to yourself, I am CEO, that is not gonna work. This is about you, re re re rewiring your brain, creating new neural connections, and strengthening those neurons to actually believe a new thought to think a new thought. It's not about affirmations, it's about the neuroplasticity of your brain. It's about your ability to literally change what neurons fire in your brain. So that you think the thought I'm a CEO more habitually, then I'm not good at business. Okay. So what it takes to rewire your brain is not just trying to say a pretty positive affirmation once a day. rewiring your brain is about consistent effort of learning to think a new way and you have to actually feel that in your body. If I tell you these thoughts and you don't have some kind of bodily sensation, reaction feeling they're not going to stick. So instead of trying to find the thought that feels like the unicorn thought that you would love to believe we're actually just going to anchor into some thoughts that are easy for you to feel and believe now.
So let's just dive into it. Yeah, thought number one that I see people come into my programme with, or I see people who aren't in the programme that's holding them back from embodying the CEO, and believing in themselves as a CEO, is I'm not good at business. Okay? Now fill in business with I'm not good at marketing, I'm not good at selling, I'm not good at choosing a price I'm not good at making offers, I'm not good at whatever, X, Y and Z. This thought, honestly may have been passed down to you or taught to you by some figure in your life up into this point. Specifically, in society, we kind of have the belief that to be good at business, and I'm doing air quotes, you can't see it. But to be good at business, you have to get an MBA, and you have to go to grad school, and then you have to have this accreditation and have everyone else tell you that, okay, you're good at business now, to go out and be good at business. There's also just kind of the stigma within the yoga industry. And it's actually talked about that yoga teachers aren't good at business that were too airy fairy, or too creative, or whatever the thing is, it's kind of this like stigma that we can kind of get trapped in. You might have also been taught this by your parents, or by adult figures in your life, like what you are good at, and what you're not good at. And really, when you're a kid, it's very rare for someone to be like you're good at business. And have someone teach you that. So most people come in with this thought error, that I'm not good at business. I'm just a yoga teacher, I'm not good at business. I'm not good at marketing, I'm not good at selling. And I want you to imagine if one of your students came into your class to take class taking off in a class, and they told you I'm not good at yoga. I'm just not good at yoga. It's just not for me, I'm not good at the flexibility stuff. I'm not good at the string stuff. I'm just not good at yoga. You know, as a yoga teacher, you would be like, What are you talking about? That's not a thing. You can't be good at yoga or bad at yoga, yoga is and then you show up and do the practice. And some days, it feels great and easy and light. And some days it feels hard and heavy. But there is no being good at yoga, there is no end, like you've completed yoga and here's your prize, there's no way you can have a objective opinion that you're good at yoga. That's just not how it works, you'll get is and then you are the human being doing yoga. The same is true for business, business is not something you can be good at or bad at. It's not something that you either naturally have the talent for, or you don't. Business is a practice. Learning how to market and sell. Your business is a practice. It's a skill that you can develop over time. But it's not something that you either inherently have or don't have. It can't be true that you're bad at business. Even if you're one of the people listening right now. It's like But Jackie, I haven't made enough money or But Jackie, I had a business and I had to shut it down because I wasn't making enough money. That doesn't mean that you are bad at business. It doesn't mean that at all. All businesses go through fluctuations of up and downs of revenue. All businesses go through peaks where they're selling a lot, or they're not selling a lot. What happened in that moment, it's not that you were bad at business, it's that just the business didn't want to go on for whatever reason, you decided that that's okay. But it's not because you are bad at business. So we want you to take on the mindset of a CEO is, it doesn't really matter if I'm good or bad, our business I am capable. I am capable. I am capable of learning skills that I don't have if I truly don't know how to market if I truly don't know how to sell. I'm capable of surrounding myself with the people who can teach me that I'm capable with learning those skills I'm capable of showing up and doing it the wrong way and failing. I'm capable of showing up and hosting a workshop and having no one come and then doing it again. Or posting on the internet and having no one comment and then doing it again. I am capable of figuring business out. And maybe just maybe I am capable of being good at business, this is something that I could actually start to really be good at. You are capable. As long as you have the desire, and you have the commitment to it, you're capable of figuring out everything else in your business.
So that's thought number one, to believe in yourself as a CEO, I'm capable. And it doesn't mean I'm capable. And I'm going to do it right and nail it and get it the first time. It just means I'm capable of showing up of putting in the effort of learning the practice of business of learning the practice of selling a marketing, evaluating, failing and showing up again, I'm capable of showing up. How do I know this is already true about you listening? Because you have a yoga practice, because you show up for that practice. Day in, day out or week in week out year, over year, over a year, you show up when it feels good, when it doesn't feel good, you're capable of getting on your mat, and doing the thing. So I also know that you are capable of building a business.
Okay, the second thought that really holds people back as CEO. They come in, and they tell me, Jackie, I don't have anything of value to offer, I don't really know what to offer. I just started teaching or I don't have that many certifications, or I don't really know what I would say, the thought is I'm not valuable. Like I don't have value to offer to the world. When you think this thought you will get caught up in nice drama and offer drama and buying certification after certification after certification, you might even find that your business isn't quite as profitable as it could be because you're spending money on things that you think add value to your offer, like water bottles, or T shirts, or a fresh coat of paint on your walls, that are actually just costing you money and lowering your profitability. Listen, you are human on the planet, the chances of you being here are so slim. That just your presence alone is valuable. It you truly are a miracle just for being alive. You showing up putting your face into the world, putting your voice out into the world, that is value add to our world. On top of that, your unique life experience that you've gone through the training that you do have that yoga practice that you do you have that is all value that you can pull from you are valuable. And as a CEO, you are valuable to your business, you are valuable to showing up in the business day in de l, putting in the work working on your business, creating strategies that you want to try evaluating those strategies. You are the only person who can do it for you. You have the value inherently. Again, this goes back to you believing that you're Beyonce for your people, that you're Rihanna for your people. Not only are you Beyonce, and Rihanna for your students that will buy from you. You are also Beyonce and Rihanna for your business. You are the leader, you are the only person who can say, this is the kind of business I want to build. This is what I want to look like this is what I want my offer to be this is how I want to help people and then show up and do that nobody else can take that from you. This is why you are CEO. This is what a CEO does. It says here's the vision of where we're going. Here's what I want to create the world here's what I deem valuable. And here's how I think we're gonna get there that is all value. So you are valuable.
The third thought that really holds people back in terms of shifting from the yoga teacher mindset to the yoga boss mindset is a thought that comes up one So you are out there doing the thing. inviting people into your offer teaching class posting on social media, marketing your business, once you're out there doing the thing, and it doesn't go the way that you expected it to go, or you're not making money as fast as you thought you were going to or not as many people are signing up as you thought, we're going to the thought that a yoga teacher thinks someone who doesn't believe in themselves as a CEO, is Oh, my God, this means that I can't do this. This means I'm bad at business. Something has gone wrong, something's bad, something's off, this means I can't listen. This thought is never true. You want to be really on to yourself? What are you making the facts, the number of students that you have the money that you've made, the time you've been in business? What are you making the facts mean? And how is that holding you back from believing in yourself as a CEO, you will know that you are here when your business feels very emotional. It doesn't mean that as a CEO, you don't have emotions and react. But as a CEO, you get to the place where you are a bit more logical, you're able to respond, come up with a strategy, get curious. And the only reason that you can get there as a CEO is because you have the thought, oh, nothing's gone wrong. This is just business I was made. To handle this, this is meant for me, I can solve this, this is no problem. I know what to do next, or at least I know what I'm going to try next. And see if that works. And it could fail again. And then I'll figure that out again. Instead of making negative quote unquote circumstances mean something about your ability, or mean something about your business or mean something about your offer, you just look at the facts of valuate. And you say, Oh, this is totally meant for me to solve, I am so capable, so valuable that of course I can solve this problem, to see how these thoughts are building on each other. This is meant for me I was made for this I was made for this discomfort of business I was made for showing up and inviting people to my offer and getting rejected and being able to handle it. And I was made for this because I have the tools that I need to help myself out in that moment. Yoga, meditation, your breath, I was made for this. This is exactly what is meant to be happening. And I can totally solve this.
Finally, the last thought and this is like that's the biggest one, if I were to do just one thought, This is what I would talk to you guys about a yoga teacher, someone who doesn't believe in themselves as a CEO, has the thought that I need someone else to tell me what to do. I need someone else to tell me how to make offers, when to make offers, where to make offers, how to make offers, how to market how to sell how to show up. This is the employee mindset, that there is someone out there who has more expertise or more knowledge about your business than you do and you need that person to direct you and guide you. It's not true. Remember, you are the Beyonce of your business, you are the valuable asset to your company, you are the only one who's capable of building your business, your business is meant for you and you only and no one else, which means as a CEO, you have to believe that you are the leader, that you lead yourself, you lead your students, you lead your business, and you get to make all of the massive and small decisions that come up in your business and you get to lead how you do marketing and you get to lead how you do selling. You are the leader, your answer, your solution, your hypothesis, the thing that you want to put out is the best answer. It's the best solution. It's the best high thought hypothesis. It's the best offer. Best thing that you want to put out put it out.
You're probably like Jackie but why would I hire you as a coach than if I'm a leader? I you would hire me as your coach because I'm gonna help you believe that thought I'm gonna to show you, the moment that you stop thinking that thought, and bring you back to remembering that you are a badass that you are so capable, that you are so valuable to this planet. And then of course, you're meant for this, of course, this is meant for you and you can have the business that you want to have. I'm going to teach you how to actually put that into action. And I'm here to show you all of my strategies, and I'm here to show you how to sell and market. But I am building my business. I am showing up as CEO for yoga Boss, I'm not CEO of your business, that's your role. So I will constantly hand your power back to you. So that you can remember that. And this is what I want this whole episode to do. Listen, you can listen to all podcasts, you can read the books, you can watch the YouTube videos, sign up for the courses. But do all of that knowing that you are the leader of your business that you've always had the power to create what you want to create to create what you used to think was impossible. One of my clients Cassidy, you've heard her on this podcast officially hit 100k revenue in her yoga business this past week. And we were talking about it and celebrating it and just shout out to Cassidy Hell, yeah, you've done it. And I was sharing with her. The first time I hit that six figure mark, the first time I hit that 100k in business. It was this moment where I really saw that what I used to think was impossible. What I used to think was so out there and crazy. And that would be oh my god, I can't even imagine what that would be like, became possible. I did it, I realised that anything, any goal, any number, would also be the exact same. What you think is impossible for you right now will become possible. When you step in to believing in yourself as a business owner, as a CEO. Listen, you don't need anyone else's validation that you're good at this or that you're valuable or that you can do this, you don't need anyone else to tell you what to do or tell you how to do it. You don't need anyone else to solve or fix your problems for you. You have the power to surround yourself with the support that you want. But just because you want the support, you are already whole and capable and you can do this. Alright, I feel like I'm like standing on my soapbox. I hope this pumps you up to go into your business and make it happen. Believing that you're good at business isn't a box that you can check once you make a certain amount of revenue. It's not something that you'll just start to think once you get a certain amount of students. You have to start believing it now. Today, no matter where you are in your business, you are good at business you are the bad ass yoga boss CEO that you want to be go embody that rewire your brain to literally believe it. And you will create the profit the students the impact the schedule the business that you want the life that you want. If you're like Hell yeah, I'm ready than the yoga boss group is the place for you. Make sure you are ready to go on August wealth. I will talk to you all in the next episode. Bye
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200 Yoga Teachers at 100K will be a game changer for the yoga industry.