Client Interview: $6k to $14k months working less with Ally
Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 86, "Client Interview: $6k to $14k months working less with Ally."
We've got another client interview today. My client Ally is on the podcast sharing about her years of experience in the yoga industry.
Ally's words, "Do something you LOVE - my first year of business took place during a pandemic and I still woke up every morning excited to go to work. We all have to make a living and if you make a living following your heart and your dharmic path, even the worst days will be enjoyable. Also, join Yoga Boss if you have the opportunity. Having Jackie as a sounding board and the support of my group this year has given me the boost of confidence and a level of support that allows me to show up as my best self in my business and it shows in our financial statements. "
We touch on what it:
Navigating a studio through Covid 19
Transitioning from 14 classes per week to 5 classes per week
Delegating in your business makes you money
Overdelivering for your students
How Ally is making more than her banking salary ever could've been
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