Dream to Reality: Opening for a thriving yoga studio with Robyn Gornicki-Davis
Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 132, "Dream to Reality: Opening for a thriving yoga studio with Robyn Gornicki-Davis"
A new client interview with Robyn!
"Robyn is the founder of Serenity Power Yoga. Robyn’s passion for yoga and how it has helped improve her life is “why” she opened a yoga studio. Everyone deserves Yoga. Yoga is more than just Warrior 1 or Handstand. Yoga is a connection with your whole self mind, body, and spirit."
In this client interview we cover:
Robyn's journey to becoming a yoga teacher and studio owner over 50
Leaving behind a 26 year career for her dream business
How Robyn is creating a thriving community and studio
Robyn's perspective on putting herself out there in her marketing
Thinking like a CEO shifting from 'hobby' to business
Connect with Robyn:
Website: www.serenitypoweryoga.com
Instagram: @serenitypoweryoga
Facebook Page: Serenity Power Yoga
Email List Opt-In: hello@serenitypoweryoga.com
Join The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Waitlist: www. profitableyogaboss.com
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