How to stop waiting and build the business you've been dreaming of with Sandy Raper
Welcome to Yoga Boss episode 111, "How to stop waiting and build the business you've been dreaming of with Sandy Raper."
"A modern yogi and entrepreneur, Sandy Raper finds balance and sustainability as a wife and mother of three boys, while cultivating longevity as a yoga teacher, educator, and trainer for twenty years now. Out of a strong passion to inspire and support yoga teachers, Sandy developed her Beyond Yoga Teacher Training Mentorship Program to offer support and guidance for teachers to refine, grow and develop themselves beyond the foundation of teacher training. Sandy created her Beyond Yoga Teacher Training Podcast in October 2020 as yet another resource for her to share, encourage and support yoga teachers around the globe."
Inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group Sandy has transitioned her offer, started working less with more clarity in her yoga business.
In this episode we discuss Sandy's experience inside The Profitable Yoga Boss Group and so much more:
-200 hr teacher training myths
-How to stop 'waiting' and get out of hovering
-Getting clear on her message
-Taking 100% responsibility for results
-Becoming a leader and CEO
Connect with Sandy
Instagram: @sandyraperyoga and @byttpodcast
Facebook Page: Sandy Raper Yoga
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