Hard Work Vs Hustle

Hustle does not make achieving your goals happen any faster. It's actually the opposite. In this podcast, you'll understand the key distinction between hustling to 100k and working hard to 100k. This will make all the difference in staying committed to your goals, and getting there without burnout

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Jackie Murphy
The Four Yoga Teacher Archetypes

Over ten years in the yoga industry and coaching hundreds of yoga teachers, I have found that there are four main problems yoga teachers face in building a profitable business. In this episode, I break down the four main yoga teacher archetypes, and how to overcome the four main problems you'll face.

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Jackie Murphy
The Motivational Triad

Your primitive brains operates from a Motivational Triad: Seek pleasure, be efficient and avoid discomfort. This triad help keep our species alive, but is the biggest obstacle to you hitting 100K in your business.

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Jackie Murphy
Talent Only Takes You So Far.

The biggest thing that stops yoga teachers from building a profitable business is investing in only their talent. We spend time, money investing in being a 'great teacher' assuming if we are talented enough, the money will come.

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Jackie Murphy