
I started working with her at the very beginning of building my business; I had no clients, and was making about $500-600 a month teaching studio classes. Not even 9 months later, my business is thriving and feels even better than I could have imagined. Over the last 2 months I've brought in $6k per month, which I never thought would be possible for me, let alone in well under a year.

- Maya

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At the beginning of 2020, I was charging $600 for 3 months and Iā€™m ending this year charging $6k for 6 months. I went from $800 months to $6k months. My biggest obstacle was my belief in myself and truly embodying the CEO mindset.Shifting into a Yoga Boss mindset and truly thinking like a CEO transformed my self-concept and my business.

- Kristen

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I was working at my salary job before working with Jackie making $2400 a month for my salary, and now have surpassed that! I wasn't focused on my business as a full time job and was not tracking how many retreat guests I was booking but it was nowhere near where I am today!

- Kelsey

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