Yoga Boss Podcast Episode 211
5 ways to grow your yoga business without social media
Welcome to episode 211, “5 ways to grow your yoga business without social media”
If you want to grow your Yoga Business but don't want to use social media, I'm here to tell you it's possible.
In this episode, I'm giving you five different ways to grow your business that will work online and offline!
PS, if you do want to use the tool of social media to grow your business - I say, let's do it.
I want you to know you don't have to hate or dread posting, or forever struggle to figure out what to say.
(As a member of The Business of Yoga Membership, you get an email every single week with four Reel Prompts, including trending audio, the "hook" language, and text for your caption and call to action. You also get forty-four more ways to grow your business! Get in on this right now!)
Look at your reasons for not wanting to use social media (and make sure they’re really aligned for your business)
Become a person of influence in your field
Intentionally build a referral-based business
"Be a host" (and why)
Collaborate with other business owners
Nail your email marketing
Get more!
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If you're a Yoga Business Owner with consistent $8-10k months, looking to go to $30/40/50k months, message me on IG to learn about the Grow Mastermind: @thebusinessofyoga
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