Yoga Boss Podcast Episode 212
Q&A Episode: Managing Money, Sleeping, Staying Focused and Never Being Pushy
Welcome to episode 212, “Q&A Episode: Managing Money, Sleeping, Staying Focused and Never Being Pushy”
If you don't follow me on Instagram yet, make sure you do now! @thebusinessofyoga
From time to time, I'll ask you to let me know what questions you have, and create an entire podcast episode around the answers - which is exactly what we're doing today.
These episodes give me chance to share more behind-the-scenes info about who I am and how I run my business.
And you get answers to the specific questions on your mind!
Question 1: "P+L / Good finance standards to follow?"
Question 2: "Tell us about your relationship with sleep"
Question 3: "Where's the balance between being bold and being pushy when having an initial conversation with leads"
Question 4: "Do you get distracted? What do you do to pull back into consistency, focus and what matters?"
Finance standards for your Yoga Business, what to track, and how to evaluate it
My personal approach to and mindset around sleep
How to talk to potential clients without being pushy
How I use planning to stay focused in my business while still staying open to new ideas, and how I decide what matters most
My strategy for staying focused throughout each day (and what I do when I get distracted!)
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If you're a Yoga Business Owner with consistent $8-10k months, looking to go to $30/40/50k months, message me on IG to learn about the Grow Mastermind: @thebusinessofyoga
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